Shropshire *Parish Records Set 1*
This CD covers the parishes of:
Battlefield 1665-1812
Billingsley 1625-1805
Chelmarsh 1557-1812
Chirbury 1629-1812
Claverley 1568-1837
Clunbury 1574-1812
Cressage 1605-1812
Ford 1590-1812
Harley 1590-1812
Hopton Castle 1538-1812
Hopton Wafers 1660-1812
Hughley 1576-1812
Kinnerley 1677-1812
Ludlow 1558-1812
Lydham 1596-1812
Melverley 1723-1813
Meole Brace 1663-1837
Monk Hopton 1698-1812
More 1570-1812
Neenton 1661-1805
Norbury 1560-1812
Oswestry 1558-1669
Oswestry 2 1669-1727
Oswestry 3 1727-1812
Pitchford 1559-1812
Selattyn 1556-1812
Sheinton 1658-1812
Shipton 1538-1812
Sibdon Carwood 1538-1812
Smethcote 1613-1812
Stapleton 1546-1812
Stoke St. Milborough 1654-1812
Westbury 1637-1812
ISBN: 9781861505095
Publisher: S&N
Genealogy Supplies
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